27 December 2021

First Website Blog!

While this format is a bit unorthodox for typing on a blog, I'll find a more efficient method in the future. For now, this is just kind of fun to do, I feel like a hacker >:] (as if).

Anyways, I've been making more progress on this site in the past 5 days than I have in the past five months! Maybe it is because I wanted to unleash it to the public at the end of the year, and my procrastination genes are finally kicking in. The site still isn't finished, but then again, it will never be "finished." As long as I am alive and still motivated to work on things related to what exists on this website, I intend to keep working on this until I crumble to dust. Let's just hope Neocities doesn't share the same fate as Geocities (although, I should be able to self-host before then).

My next steps are to migrate my small Tumblr posts over to this new format, add some more of my "art" from the course of the past few years, and work on this website's background. "Oh, the website's background isn't supposed to be a static, black image?" you, the beautiful person reading this, ask? No, I actually have a mockup background that was originally implemented as a .gif image. The thing is, I don't want people downloading a whole GIF every time they check on this website (mainly me!). It's not like the file size is massive, but not everybody has the best internet, and it would be nice if everybody could check out this website without being gimped and forced to see a static background. I ran into many inconsistencies when using the background GIF, where it would run on my laptop fine but not my beast of a computer. I'm going to look into how hard it would be to build a simple Java program that emulates what my background image does, or see if I can animate the objects in my background with CSS. I think programming the background will take up fewer resources and require less downloaded data. The program should (should!) be simple enough to run on most potato computers too, so the accessibility aspect of it will also remain intact.

That's about all I have to say for now, so I'll talk about something else some other time.

Gute Nacht

*Information regarding the website background has been outdated since March 2024.