19 June 2024

RSS Feed Online & Personal Project

If all has been done correctly, this is the first update that I am pushing to my new RSS feed. I've yet to really understand how it all works, and I can't get feedbro to display it within the app itself, but it's not super high priority for me at the moment. I don't have ads on my website (and I never will), so if you lovely readers have to come to my site itself to read it shouldn't be the end of the world. IDK, maybe I'll get it figured out in the future.

Since the last update, I haven't touched this laptop much, so no major updates on the website. The RSS is the most notable addition. It's been done for over a month but I just got to publishing it officially now :P . There is however a sticker for my friend ZeroJanitor's website on the homepage, who recently finished setting up their own Neocities. You should check it out!

On another note... I've been working on my first proper music project. The album should see its release by the end of the year if production continues at a decent pace. It all started from a melody/lyric in a dream I woke up to in March of last year. Demos I produced then weren't ideal, most started life in BeepBox of all things then transferred to LMMS. LMMS is great if everything you make is sequenced, with a defined start and end point to every track. Anything outside of those boundaries though, and you're looking at one of the most limited audio programs in existence. I had my issues trying to get into Reaper for years but I've discovered it's actually not that hard once you get the ball rolling. The only thing I hold against Reaper is not having an intuitive way to program drums like LMMS has (which is basically a digital drum machine). Sitala is fine but only marginally streamlines the process and carries its own limitations. I suppose that's why I found myself a used Korg Electribe MK-II and have been loving the hell out of it! Does (almost) exactly everything I want it to and then some! Anyways, around 1/2 of the projected tracks have at least their basic ideas recorded. I still require spur of the moment ideas to finish the whole thing, but they thankfully have found their way to still relate to the original theme I had in mind for the project. I have a particular artist in mind for the cover art, whose work is wonderfully visceral and fluid ;) (they may or may not read this at some point).

There has been one caveat to working on this album, however. Making music has re-awakened the desire I have to work in groups (at least, with people who actually want to be there). I fear talking to any possible 'producers' for this solo(?) project of mine (though I'm often hitting brick walls in full compositions), but in terms of other musical ventures, I get lonely when it feels all I can do is flick switches and press buttons ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Drum machines, sequencers, synthesizers, etc., are beautiful little devices that produce amazing sounds with enough work placed into them, but I crave the synergy that can only be produced with other people. Referring to myself as a multi-instrumentalist is perhaps too generous, but throw anything into my hands and I'll be able to come up with... something. My nearest contacts, with one by admission, aren't well-experienced in the world of rhythm. One I know who is rhythmically inclined... our relationship is very one-sided (I never learn my lesson...). Others live too far away, and my limited internet selections don't really allow for the file-sharing required to do it. Plus, I want a band to PLAY with a BAND. Maybe someday - hopefully sooner rather than later.

Today's just another day for me, but this past week has been something special thanks to some of my closest friends & family. :)

You know who you are. Much love to each of you. ♡
